GARB Archive

Please visit this site for our institutional repository

Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Gyantapas Abdur Razzaq Foundation. This service, being maintained by the Library, increases the visibility of foundation’s research and the materials within it are centrally stored and preserved.The goal of this repository is to facilitate digital preservation and open access to scholarly communication such as published journal articles (pre-print and post-print), conference papers and proceedings, data sets, reports, theses and dissertations produced by the individuals, departments or wings of the foundation. All documents deposited here are openly accessible on the Internet with the compliance of Gyantapas Abdur Razzaq Foundation Open Access Mandate/ policy. However, Certain limitations may be placed on access due to legal, donor and/or other reasons, but, in general, in so far as possible, the foundation endeavor to make its digital resources accessible to all users.